Camp Mohawk has reopened! (in a limited capacity)

We were very happy to reopen the Camp Mohawk site on the 27th July for the Summer, it has been so lovely to see so many of our Mohawk Families again. We very much look forward to seeing everyone again but for now have only been able to open to a limited number of familes, whom we would like to thank for such positive feedback during such a difficult time for everyone.

We have been running a variety of online support projects for groups and individuals and will continue to do so as they have been very well received by many – please do get in touch if you would like to access any of these sessions.

We welcomed back our first termtime school ‘bubble’ group this week and have also begun to run some of our ‘socially distanced’ Short Breaks after school clubs. Short Breaks clubs are not currently open to new admissions but please do register your interest at this time and we will get back to you as soon as we are able.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have visited us for being so understanding of our additional safety measures and for creating such a comfortable, positive and uplifting atmosphere which has undoubtedly benefitted both visitors and staff alike – thank you all. We will continue to do our utmost to open in any capacity we are able and look with hope to the future.